Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sittin' on a Doughnut

I could do a long, drawn out post, but really, the facts are all you need. Make up the hilarity as you go along.... you'll probably be on target.

I'm a mid-thirites housewife.

It's winter.

I have kids.

We went sledding.

I tried snowboarding for the first time.

I broke my tailbone falling on my ass.

I'm sittin' on a doughnut.

'Nuff said.


moosh said...

You did NOT!! I'm so sorry, I'm the worst friend ever, but I cannot stop laughing...

Perhaps another mai tai is in order to dull the pain??

Rosehawk72 said...

OMG! You poor thing! My butt hurts thinking about that! Broke mine in a horse related incident and couldn't sit right for years.

At the same time, I'm laughing too! You have the worst friends :) Seeing as it's morning, a mimosa to maintain the numbing effect?

The Captain's Wife said...

I am in my early 30's

I work too hard

I am expecting a baby any day

I am a bit constipated

I am in need of your pillow

Cheysu said...

Captain's Wife.... I will fight you, to the bitter end,for my donought pillow.

Add in the darvacetpills combined with the ladocaine patch that is stuck to my but. (Like a little medicated white butterfly across my ass cheeks... kinda funny)

Sigh........ I'm way too wacked ou tto post ...